We use LEED as our instrument of collective expression in the world for people who are doing something to improve the planet through the built environment. LEED is an instrument of common expression; that’s a beautiful thing.”
Scot Horst, Senior Vice President, LEED, U.S. Green Building Council
The USGBC recognizes that for LEED to continue to drive market transformation it must constantly evolve along with the building industry and needs of the marketplace.
Among other objectives, LEED v4 strives to reduce carbon emissions more than any of the LEED rating systems.
You can read more about the intents of the revised version on USGBC’s website here- About LEED v4
After months of hard work and review of public comments, the USGBC is finally wrapping up the details to LEED v4 and preparing for implementation in June of 2013. When introduced , the use of v4 will be optional and not become mandatory until some time in 2015. Those who wish to continue using LEED 2009 can opt to do so.
I’ll be highlighting some of the changes coming up in v4 as well as reviewing existing credits that remain unchanged. You may want to read the full v4 update on the usgbc’s website here LEED V4 Draft
The LEED for Homes certification process offers several different credit options to pursue as well as some mandatory prerequisites that are required in all LEED for Homes Certifications.
These credit options are grouped into 9 different credit categories. Some of which include Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Location and transportation, and Indoor Environmental Quality. We’ve included one credit example below and will continue to feature other LEED v4 credits and revisions in the weeks to follow.
Your comments and questions are welcomed as we continue to try to create awareness for LEED and the benefits that can be obtained in LEED Certification including Healthier indoor environments for you and your family and greatly reduced energy costs to name a few.
Credit Example
Integrative Process IPc1
Integrative Process credit 1 will remain unchanged for the most part.
This credit’s Intent reads as follows:
To maximize opportunities for cost-effective adoption of integrative green design and construction strategies.
There are 3 options associated with IPc1
The options listed below are abbreviated versions. To read the full IPc1 credit requirements click here Credit Details
Option 1 involves assembly of the integrated project team and involving the team in the home’s design and construction Process.
Option 2 Is the Design Charrette
This involves conducting a full day workshop or 2 half day workshops with the project team
Option 3 involves training project subs in LEED protocol .
The trades training must include at least the following trades
• Plumbing
• Insulation
• Air Sealing
• Mechanical Systems
• Framing