Did you know that indoor air in our homes is 3-5 more polluted than outdoor air.
Americans spend on average 90% of our time indoors. That’s why indoor air quality is so important to our health.
Without proper ventilation your home can trap pollutants brought in from outdoors or volatile organic compounds from paints and other finishes. Not to mention mold and mildew problems from lack of moisture control.
You might want to consider an ERV, or Energy Recovery Ventilator, to properly balance fresh air intake while saving energy at he same time.
Read more about ERV’s here- http://www.ultimateair.com/
Category Archives: Green Things to Know
A comprehensive look at green building principals and practices.
Reap the Rewards of Proper Attic Ventilation
I recently participated in a forum about how to achieve adequate attic ventilation/insulation to allow your attic to expel excessive heat buildup in the summer and I thought, with summer right around the corner, this would be a good time to share this information.
New energy codes require attic insulation to be min R-38 which is approx. 12” of batted or blown insulation. Most older homes built prior to 1980 have R-19, or 6” of insulation above the ceiling. Continue reading Reap the Rewards of Proper Attic Ventilation
More Green Things to Know
Indoor Air Quality
Can be affected by many of the products used in the construction of your home as well as products used for cleaning and maintenance. Careful product selection during construction can significantly reduce dangerous off gassing by materials with a high voc content.
Proper ventilation can be a huge factor in a homes performance. Poor ventilation can lead to moisture build up or condensation which can cause mold and other unwanted growths. This can have adverse effects that can cause respiratory ailments and other illnesses. Continue reading More Green Things to Know
Green Things To Know
As technology advances in the world of Green Building, many products that used to be cost prohibitive have suddenly become affordable alternatives. Low and zero VOC, (volatile organic compound), paints are now a standard feature in my projects as the quality and affordability are par with conventional paints and finishes.
A little about Volatile Organic Compounds. Continue reading Green Things To Know